In Memory > Cayman



MBIF, FC Cayman Island Rescue LCM6, SC

Born: 9/1/1998

Owned by Laurel Behnke

  • Cayman makes the Hall of Fame for ASFA which makes my heart happy

    Cayman was my first SPDR rescue Whippet, I got her at 7wks old from the King County shelter. The "breeders" had left her there. The sire of the litter had bit her in the head, fracturing her skull and puncturing her sinuses-we almost lost her. But with the help of the shelter staff, my vet and God, she made it. Of course, the intention was to foster her and place her but, she was meant to stay. And so I named her "Cayman Island Rescue" & got her AKC ILP#, so she could come along with the other 2 whippets and do some lure coursing, IF she got big enough (she was soo small). Well, she did barely get big enough (22.5 lb 18.5") and we "took her along" coursing. She was the #1 Whippet for WWWA 5 years in a row, in the top 20 ASFA and is the #1 all time Rescue dog with an ILP# in ASFA with an LCM6! She’s a pistol, and we love our little Cayman dearly. We know her sire belonged to a couple who brought him over from Russia and her dam was rumored to be from Canada and that’s all we know of her pedigree.