Jammin’ Family > Gunner



Jammin' Gunpowder, CC, RA, AGN, AGNJ, RN

Gunner’s Pedigree (from the Whippet Archives)

Sire: Ringdove Black Tuxedo RCH, ORC, FCh
Dam: ShadowRun Nike Air Jammin' LCM2, OTRM2, SC

Born: 10/10/2004

Bred by: Laurel Behnke
Owned by: Shelley and Erney Villarruel

  • Gunner and Adele went to their first CKC Agility trial of the year and Gunner got 2 titles. AGN and AGNJ. He also got a Q towards his Intermediate title.

    Gunner won the Whippet Club of BC Versatility Award for the second year in a row!

    Feb 5th 2009 at the Lost Dutchman AKC Rally trial in Phoenix - 2nd in trial with scores of 98!

    From Gunner's owner Adele: "I just wanted to brag about Gunner, Jammin' Gunpowder, who got 4 (his first) ORC points at the WCOBC NOTRA on October 11th. He had a good week as he got his Advanced Rally Obedience title last Sunday AND 4 out of 4 Agility Q's (Qualifying runs). I have not stopped grinning yet as making strides in 3 very different disciples in just one week, (or even over many weeks) takes a special kind of whippet. GUNNER ROCKS!"

    Congrats to Adele as well on Gunner's BOB at the Vernon and District Kennel Club show for 3pts. The judge was Bonnie Derry. Adele is very proud of her Gunner. Thanks to Barb Turpin for handling him as well.

    Gunner earned his Canadian Association of Rally Obedience (CARO) Novice Rally on 11/12/07. He got High in trial on Saturday and Sunday he got his 3rd Q so that is his title. Gunner also earned the Versatility Whippet of the 2007 from the WCOBC. The award is given once a year to the whippet that enters at least 3 different types of events and scores the highest. There were 18 whippets in the running for it but it came down to 3 whippets in close competition and so it was nip and tuck. Congratulations to Gunner and his owner Adele!

    Earned his second leg in Rally in September 2007 with a score of 94!

    Pointed in the show ring towards his Canadian Championship!

    Top 10 NAWRA 6-10-07

    18 of 42 NAWRA